Saturday, April 10, 2010

What you can do to Improve your brain

The brain is a great mystery, isn't it? Scientists say that a normal human can use approximately only 3% of its brain whole capacity. Moreover, It's believed that well-known intelligent people, like Einstein, were capable of using 10% of their brain's capacity! However, whilst most of us can only use the pattern of 3%, a little more, a little less, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of things that we can do to exercise our brains, and make them better. To accomplish such thing, we need to seek new experiences and breakthrough routines and habits.
Studies of Neuroscience, which is the Science that studies and maps the brain, show that our cerebrum has an enormous capacity to adapt and change its own connections, therefore exercising it will keep it agile and healthy; whereas we are making it work a lot. Knowing that I decided to share ways that I personally think can help us to exercise our intellects, it's totally up to you believe me or not, but I'm convicted that these ways help me a lot maintaining my mind in shape.

* Try using the mouse or even brushing your teeth with your opposite hand, this is a great way to break the habit and also to improve your motor coordination, concentration, even creativity.

* Read a lot. It incites a lot of areas of the brain. Besides getting a lot of new information you'll be increasing your visual and verbal skills.

* Try changing your clothes with eyes closed (I tried, is not so hard).

* Use your watch on your opposite arm.

* Try different types of food to stimulate your taste.

* Talk with a lot of different people.

* Try seeing photos in other angles (upside down, for example).

* Don't use always the same way to get somewhere.

* Walking back-forth inside your house is really interesting. You should give it a try.

Venture into those tips, you'll surely notice some difference in no time!

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